Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Robotics - Design, Build And Execute

We have mapped out a project that adhered to the competency based learning standards.
i.e. statement of learning standard, description of the learning tasks and assessment matrix.

The objectives were to design a device that can be programmed to
1. switch on / run the motors,
2. pause at pre-determined intervals,
3. activate the sensors,
4. record the readings,
5. proceed to the next station,
6. repeat the tasks, and
7. download the data eventually to the computer for analysis.

The first step was to work out the gear ratio so that we can slow down the speed.

We utilised 2 sets of gears ( 8 and 40 teeth ) and arranged them so that we can reduce the speed to 1/25th of the original motor speed. See diagram.

Next ,we selected a set of wheels with the appropriate diameter, and we worked out how fast the wheel was turning ( revolution per second ). We attached the angle sensor to one of the wheels, and we recorded a reading of 5 secconds for a complete turn. The wheel had a diameter of 49.6 mm, and the circumference ( product of diameter and pi ) worked out to be 15.6 cm. As a result, we spaced the workstation at an interval of 15.6 cm, as we intended to move the device for 5 seconds and pause.

Light and temperature sensors were attached to take readings from each of the 5 workstations.

We wrote a program to handle this. Upon completion of the datalogging, we proceeded to download the data to the computer for further analysis. The results were presented graphically for ease of visualisation.

The kids were then required to analyse the results and draw on the necessary conclusions. They were successful in interpreting the data and gave correct answers to the light and temperature readings.

Next: Lessons Learned

Keywords: robotics, competency-based learning, datalogging, VBA programming

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What Is Your Idea of a Robot?

We posed this question to a group of children at the start of a pilot program held recently.

Listed below are answers given by the kids:
1. artificial intelligence
2. help to stir coffee
3. control by people
4. enable me to work more for less
5. help to clean the house
6. perform task where it is too difficult to be performed by a person
7. explore inhabitable places
8. explore the unknown
9. unravel mystery
10. sensing danger, set off alarms

A good wish list. How many of these are reality or mere fantasy?

We started off with the coffee stirrer and the kids had no problem in assembling a device to make coffee. It had a motor and attached to it was a shaft with paddle at the other end. A coffee cup was placed and the motor was switched on, and the coffee was stirred but not shaken.

The kids became more adventurous, and they began to attach sensors like angle/rotation and temperature to the device. They wanted to make the best coffee by stirring it so that it can form a good head and the temperature will be just right for a sip. With this we kick started our pilot program.

Next: Design & Build - Selecting a Project To Work With

Keywords: robotics, competency-based learning, datalogging, VBA programming

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Friday, December 09, 2005

Think Robotics - Learning It The Fun Way

For this holiday season, we have rolled-out a workshop that is fun for the kids to chill out after a hectic year in school.

It is the Think Robotics workshop and we kicked off with Phase 1 which took place from 21 - 30 November 2005. Project scoping and objectives were set, and the logistics have been secured. Collaborators ( mentors ) were briefed and roped in to help in selection of project theme(s).

The kids were encouraged to design and build robots. They came out with a coffee stirrer and the sketch is the result of their labour of joy.

The idea behind the project is to empower children with the requisite skills / competencies to compete in a knowledge-intensive environment in a fun and creative way. We have identified the essential competencies to include mastery ( fusion ) of domain knowledge, technology and networking (DTN). This competency-based learning approach allows us to adopt an outside-inside approach to better appreciate and identify unmet needs out there ( customer-centric ) and remain relevant in an increasingly globalised marketplace.

Next: Find out how the kids are doing in the program...

Keywords: robotics, competency-based learning, datalogging, VBA programming

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